About Us

This website is a simple place to share the life of a few great boxer dogs, not that all boxers aren’t great. Eggsy, the baby girl nugget boxer (runty), Pancakes, the scond boxer sister, and Waffles, the oldest big lug guy of the house, dwell in Northern Connecticut, where they live on a small farm with many wild animals, and bears oh-my. They enjoy the wilderness and swimming in the pool on warm Summer days.

Hi there! I’m Eggsy the boxer dog, and I like snacks, rolling around on my back, playing with my brother and sister, and chilling with my humans. I hate the cold, love to swim, enjoy snoozling under the blankets, and like to race. Welcome to our story!

…it’s basically pretty chill:

The forest plot we call home has been nearly ten years of happiness, living in the wooded places of CT. In this time, there have been six boxers living here, three of which are now in memory. Live on and fly high Pickles, Phoenix, and Coco, the original boxer pack.

Come back and join us for some fun once in a while. We have no plans of updating this daily, and are only using this is a little place in time!

🐾 Eggsy’s Official Signature 🐾

πŸ• Eggsy the Boxer | Survivor, Rebel, Snack Enthusiast
πŸ“§ Email: eggsy@boxers.dog
πŸ“Έ Instagram: @eggsyboxerdog
πŸ”₯ Mission: Save the world. Look cute doing it.

🐢 #BoxerRevolution #EggsySavesTheDay #DogsRunTheWorld